

Meet The Artist

Meet The Artist
Missy Trent
Email Missy at: MTreasures@hotmail.com

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Festivities & Funky Art!

Hello, my friends!

How are you?

Wonderful, I'm hoping!

I'm back to a fast and furious work week after a lovely weekend. Sigh.

My friend, Kim, and I did take a little road trip on Saturday, to the annual, "Maple Leaf Festival". There were so many vendors, selling their handcrafted goods...

Along with antiques and foods!

The tie dye booth was calling my name.

Oh dear.

I could not make up my mind on which garments to purchase! I must say, this tie dye artist used the most beautiful colors and created amazing designs. Of course, I was in full blown "Fall mode". I ended up buying the dress, in the earthy, Fall colors...

And a long sleeved t-shirt!

Love, love, love!

After hours and hours of walking...

And stuffing ourselves with Mexican food...

It was also nice to be warm (and weary), at home that evening.

On Sunday, I was rejeuvenated and ready to create!

A bit of art journaling (still in progress)...

And a whole lot of sculpting.



I came up with these- "La Catrina" inspired necklaces!

And that sums up my weekend!

Tell me all about yours!!!

See you again very soon!



Friday, October 18, 2013

Fall Time Journaling...

Hello there!

Happy Friday to you!

As I sit here in my sweats, I can hear the sound of a Fall rain outside. I'm grateful to have this day off from work, and out of the chilly weather.

I was up and at em' at 5:30 this morning. I woke up feeling energized... And well!!!! Yay, I have kicked that nasty cold!

Let the painting begin!

Because I am attending a Fall festival tomorrow, I am feeling quite festive and wanted to paint some candy corn! The theme makes for a nice border on my journal pages, don't you agree?

The coffee tastes extra grand without the sniffles.

In between painting I did some cleaning, laundry, and even put some chicken with bourbon sauce in the crockpot. Oh, my... The house smells so yummy.

I'm so happy today...

Reminding myself that in just seven more months I will be home more, fulfilling my greatest passions...

Resigning from my job.

I will still do some work outside of the home because I enjoy that too, however, it will be on my terms and schedule. I will share more when that time comes!

Oh, hurry up, May!!!!

October is flying by rather quickly.

I better close for now and get busy on a few spooky projects!!!

I hope that you will drop by again very soon for some more Fall fun!

Enjoy your day!



Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Spooky, Crazy Fall...

Hello, friends!

Please, forgive me for being absent for days.

Pour yourself a cup of something hot. Sit for awhile and I will explain.

October is our month to explore and behave oddly. You know...

Full moons in the sky.

We like to prowl and explore.

My mom-in-law came for a visit so she tagged along on this adventure.

First stop was to a pumpkin patch. My sweetheart and I go every Fall. We buy homemade jellies and pumpkin butter!

I run around, with my camera, playing "Miss Photographer".

I nearly ran into this spooky, poor soul. Oh my.

We studied each pumpkin...

Green ones, lumpy ones, fat ones, tiny ones.

I like this shape best.

After romping through the pumpkin patch, we took a day trip to Weston, Missouri...

taking in all of the Fall surroundings. Quite beautiful.

Shopping, dining, and more shopping. I even purchased some wonderful witchy socks!

I always feel so inspired after a trip...

And oh, how I love painting pumpkins!

In my art journal the memories are recorded...

although I failed to mention the hot apple cider and the Irish food!

So many details and a whole lot of playing...

I came home with a cold.

Sniffle. Sniffle.

So, I put on my witchy socks to warm my toes.

I have my tissue box handy and a hot cup of Joe.

Halloween thoughts fill my head. Don't you just love this spooky, crazy time of year?

I must rest and get well soon because I'm going on another Fall outing this weekend with a girly friend!

I can hardly wait!!!!

I will share again soon!



Saturday, October 5, 2013

Free Spirit...

Hello to you!

It's a lovely weekend here.

My darling husband left town on Friday to play in the Arkansas hills. Me...

I needed some solitude, silence, and art.

It was a very chilly morning. A cold front moved in on us in the night. I poured myself a cup of coffee, wrapped up in my snuggie, on the sofa...

And began working in my art journal as the sun came up.

I found myself feeling happy and calm. At peace.

You see, my job is really stressful and very chaotic. I cannot go into great detail regarding specific responsibilities in which I have with my job because it is confidential...

but it is taking it's toll on me.

Some days I come home depressed and wonder if I will ever see a light at the end of this tunnel.

I'm happy to report that there is!

This week, hubby and I had a talk. Through all of this, I have discovered that I have a very supportive spouse. We have resolved this issue. At the end of this school year, I will be resigning. I do not know exactly what will come next for me, if anything at all. Hubby says to resign now, but my work ethics are near perfect and it is I who wishes to tough it out through May!

This art journal entry is my way of celebrating! I will anxiously await the new journey that lies ahead!

I feel free already!

He's now safe and back home...

That wonderful husband that I am so blessed to be sharing life with.

We sit here on the sofa, fireplace glowing and crackling. Pizzas delivered!

Happy, happy weekend!



Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall Skies and Basket Weaving...

Hello, dear readers...

And hello, October!

I do hope that your week is off to a fabulous start!

Recently I did a blog post and art journal entry about my basket weaving. You see, three days out of the work week, I work in the art room. Two courses: art and arts & crafts. It is in the arts & crafts class where basket weaving is taught.

I have thoroughly enjoyed weaving my first basket...

So much, that I am going to order my own supplies and weave at home throughout the cold, Winter months! Hubby even wants me to teach him basket weaving!

The Fall skies are so beautiful here in Kansas.

I grabbed my camera last night and snapped these shots on our prairie land.

Afterwards, I was so wound up...

I did not want to go to bed.

I so wanted to sit outside and take in all of the beauty.

But, it was a school night...

And I had a basket to complete! Giggle giggle.


I felt so proud!

Creating something pretty...

With your own two hands, sure does boost one's spirit.

Can you just imagine the feeling that it brings young students? I am a big supporter of art taught in our schools. It's so healthy for their sense of accomplishment and self-esteem.

Until next time...