Midori Traveler's Notebook.
Have you heard of them?
I had not...
until last week.
I found myself browsing through countless photos on instagram and Pinterest. (By the way, I have just opened an instagram account and would love to have you follow me there by clicking on the icon to the right)!
After two evenings of Midori eye candy, I knew that I had to have this beauty to add to my art journal collection. I ordered. It arrived.
Friends, unpacking the Midori Traveler's Notebook is a treat in itself!
Because this notebook is designed with an elastic band system that can hold several notebooks, I also ordered some additional notebook inserts and accessories to start with. Each piece, beautifully packaged...
but I first opened the leather cover and removed it from it's lovely chipboard box. Words cannot even describe the aroma of pure leather. I ordered the brown. Mine was soft to the touch. (Some leather may be stiff when new). There was even a cotton carrying case for my new Midori.
I spent the remainder of this day adding my inserts: a journal for art, a monthly calender, a blank notebook that came with the Midori, a Kraft folder, a zippered pouch. I also purchased the pen holder clip and some pocket stickers.
Oh, the joy of personalizing this notebook/journal...
making it truly my own!
The fabulous glass bead was handcrafted by a friend/artist, Kris Ball. The palette and brush charm was a purchase made long ago. I untied the knot in the elastic from the back side of the leather cover, and slid the bead through, then re-tied the knot.
And then this happened...
I have been using my Midori for what mine was intended to be used for. Art, doodling, planning, organizing, list making...
Since my Midori will be with me everywhere I go, I want it to be functional, yet full of creative art and inspiration!
I will be adding more. This is an on going project and I will be blogging my tiny works of art. I will even throw in some tutorials for those of you who love their planners! Just wait and see what I have done to the inner pages!
Yes. This really did happen.
I love my Midori!
I also adore these pretty pink skies on the prairie!
See you soon!