

Meet The Artist

Meet The Artist
Missy Trent
Email Missy at: MTreasures@hotmail.com

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Yes, This Happened...

Midori Traveler's Notebook.

Have you heard of them?

I had not...

until last week.

I found myself browsing through countless photos on instagram and Pinterest. (By the way, I have just opened an instagram account and would love to have you follow me there by clicking on the icon to the right)!

After two evenings of Midori eye candy, I knew that I had to have this beauty to add to my art journal collection. I ordered. It arrived.

Friends, unpacking the Midori Traveler's Notebook is a treat in itself!

Because this notebook is designed with an elastic band system that can hold several notebooks, I also ordered some additional notebook inserts and accessories to start with. Each piece, beautifully packaged...

but I first opened the leather cover and removed it from it's lovely chipboard box. Words cannot even describe the aroma of pure leather. I ordered the brown. Mine was soft to the touch. (Some leather may be stiff when new). There was even a cotton carrying case for my new Midori.

I spent the remainder of this day adding my inserts: a journal for art, a monthly calender, a blank notebook that came with the Midori, a Kraft folder, a zippered pouch. I also purchased the pen holder clip and some pocket stickers.

Oh, the joy of personalizing this notebook/journal...

making it truly my own!

The fabulous glass bead was handcrafted by a friend/artist, Kris Ball. The palette and brush charm was a purchase made long ago. I untied the knot in the elastic from the back side of the leather cover, and slid the bead through, then re-tied the knot.

And then this happened...

I have been using my Midori for what mine was intended to be used for. Art, doodling, planning, organizing, list making...

Since my Midori will be with me everywhere I go, I want it to be functional, yet full of creative art and inspiration!

I will be adding more. This is an on going project and I will be blogging my tiny works of art. I will even throw in some tutorials for those of you who love their planners! Just wait and see what I have done to the inner pages!

Yes. This really did happen.

I love my Midori!

I also adore these pretty pink skies on the prairie!

See you soon!



Thursday, February 19, 2015

Shaking & Painting the Winter Blues...

Oh, those Winter blues.

February seems to linger on for too long, wouldn't you agree?

Each morning I stop by the large window in our dining room to peek out. You see, where we live, one day it may be snowing, while the next day it could be bright and sunny with "pleasant" temperatures.

I always hope for the latter...

but then again, the snow is so beautiful. On Tuesday we had big, fluffy snowflakes!

I never become bored...

but I do long to play outside and feel the warmth on my shoulders again. For now, I just sip hot beverages and happily paint.

More journal entries for the "Documented Life Project".

I get lost in this world of my own.

Not a worry or care.

Riding out Winter.

And drinking more tea.

How do you shake the Winter blues?

Please, tell me!

I will see you again, very soon!

Stay warm.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Documented Life Journal Project...

Hello, dear ones!

Did you have a lovely Valentine's Day?

For those of you that know me or who have followed my blog through the years, know that it is not my favorite day of the year...

although I have now, a wonderful husband to share February 14th with, and it has certainly been a more pleasant event, I still feel sad for those who are alone when this big, commercialized holiday rolls around. I have been that person too.The one who sees the big, beautiful bouquets of flowers being delivered to co-workers and hearing them talk about dinner plans with their sweethearts...

while I went home to an empty house and sat alone all evening.

I learned to pamper my own self. It got easier! Then, one year, I realized that it really is okay to be alone and the chocolates that I purchased for myself tasted just as great as anyone elses!

My art journals tell of all of my loveless Valentine's Days.

I cherish my journals...

and now I am thrilled to be a part of "The Documented Life" art journal project!

I jumped in late and started with a journal that happened to be sitting on my shelf. I then found the large "Dylusions" journal at a hobby store and loved it instantly, so with a coupon, I got it for 40% off! Oh my... it's big, pages are heavy, but I really admired the way that this journal is constructed. It has a large envelope mounted on the inside of the front cover, an elastic closure band, and several pages to work on!

(Now I was really behind with the journal prompts, provided by the Art to the 5th Academy website).

Hey! Why don't you click on the link and join us?

Each week, a new prompt is given, along with a medium or technique to follow.

Example: the photo above was for a prompt using the color wheel and layers.

Notice my stress ball? I just wasn't "feeling it" on that day and since then, that page has undergone many transformations!

Take a peek at some of my other journal pages...

I am really enjoying the project and it gives me a nice break from commission work. I tend to play in the journal while paint on a canvas dries... but this weekend, it has been all play!

Hope to see you there!


Sunday, February 1, 2015

February Love...

February has arrived...

and with it's first day, it has made it's grand entrance with blowing snow here on the Kansas prairie.

After my two cups of coffee this morning, I went into the kitchen and began chopping vegetables. This kind of day calls for stew in the crockpot.

Now, many hours later, I can report that it was delightful! (Quite colorful too)!

Sundays are typically "lazy days" around here. A day of rest, indeed. I rarely even paint on a Sunday...

but I can show you what I am currently working on!

I am painting Las Vegas for a client who was married there. A gift for her husband. This has probably been one of my most challenging paintings, for many reasons. I have only been to Las Vegas once... when I was just age 18. I do not remember much about it.

I do not paint cities or buildings often and I do struggle with "perspective".

Yes, it's been a difficult painting...

yet enjoyable!

I feel that I learn and I grow as an artist with each commission because I am told what to paint. If I had not been told to paint Las Vegas... or a cow...

I most likely would have never done so. I would have never known just how exciting it is to paint a silly cow!

I have really come to appreciate commission work for such reasons. It forces me to step outside of my comfort zones and to learn. Before painting, I spend weeks studying the subject that I will be painting. I observe every line, the colors, the variations... and perspective.

I think that Vegas will be finished this week!

Possibly she will decide to give it to her hubby early... a Valentine gift? (I am way ahead since I originally told her that I could begin painting in February)!

Awwww, the month of Love!

I also squeeze in some playful painting that requires zero brain work!

Sending some Love your way!