Happy New year to all!
I always like ringing in a new year because with a new year, comes a "clean slate", (at least we tend to believe this to be true).Another chance to get it right, to fulfill goals that got lost in last year. Since I am still adjusting to my new environment and simply enjoying each moment, sharing the days and seasons with a new "bo"...
I don't feel the need to focus on too many large goals. I have discovered that living in the moment truly is the most fulfilling way of life. (for me anyway). Through my own experiences, and might I add, much planning & goal setting, ... I found that we really don't have much control over this thing called "life" and what it brings to us. It's how we handle change & challenges that shape us... make or break us. Our dreams and successes will come if we are complete, strong, open-minded, and happy!
I will always be an artist. I do not need to prove that to others. I do not need to boast about my talents or be concerned about how much income I do or don't generate from my art. You see, art is just a part of who I am and always will be. So, with that being said, I have no artistic goals to pursue in 2012. (In past years I did, and found it to be more stressful and less enjoyable). Looking back on my work, I can clearly see that I created my best pieces when they were NOT planned pieces. I love creating IN THE MOMENT!
With living in the NOW, I believe that 2012 will be a great year for me, and hopefully to all of you! I certainly wish this for you.
Now I think that the time has come for me to introduce my new love and my best pal!
This is Paul.
He is the man who flew out to Maryland to bring me back to Kansas in a moving truck!
Paul & I are both from Dodge City, Kansas, and even attended high school together, however, we never really knew one another.
We became friends through facebook, but still never chatted much.
It was when I began expressing my desire to leave Maryland and return to Kansas, Paul sent me a message, offering to help. (I needed a big, strong moving man)!
I was NOT looking for love, in fact, my divorce was so painful, I really just wanted to get back to Kansas and finish out my life solo. I even made this very clear to Paul once I accepted his offer to help. I paid for my own move and kept my emotions at bay.
Paul & I traveled quite well together.
I was so excited to discover that he was an adventurous man who enjoyed stopping often to take pictures...and to potty! Yay!
I found myself smiling, laughing, and truly savoring the conversations with Paul. (I'm usually not into conversing when I'm on a mission).
So, here we are!
I'm now very blessed to be living in Kansas again, out in the country...
with an amazing man.
It's just he & I.
We make our own fun...
We stayed home on New Years Eve, watched a movie and sipped Welch's bubbly grape cocktail!
We then decided to get all dressed up and snap some silly photos! We giggled as we did just that!
Everything seems to sparkle & shine these days!
I am also doing a little art and will soon be sharing my fabulous, new art room!
Yes, it's going to be a great year!