Oh, my.
I have been absent once again from Blogland... but it's really not a bad thing. In fact, it's all good!
Summer was busy. The vagabond explored new places! I continued to carry my art journal and small black bag of supplies and documented each event, including my 47th Birthday! Yikes. How did that happen? I can hardly bring myself to say the number out loud. I'm getting closer to 50... (I say very softly). I must say, I am certainly enjoying my life more and more. I'm doing things that I never even imagined I would be doing and I'm certainly exposed to constant change which means that I am truly re-creating my life. It's scary, yes. But, also exciting!
By the end of August I had landed a new, full time job here in my new town! I'm thrilled to be working in a school again! This time, with older kids! Much different than elementary, but I like it! Suddenly, I became extremely busy........
and woke up one morning to cold, brisk temperatures and very grey skies!
In a blink...
FALL had arrived!
Trees were yellow, gold, orange, and red! Pumpkins, pumpkins, and more pumpkins in the stores and in carts, on the side of streets!
I could feel the creative mind spinning into holiday directions. Thoughts of Halloween projects kept me awake at night and by the time my longtime friend, Lori, arrived for a traditional Fall visit, the ideas were in full production! (Lori & I seem to create magic when bouncing our ideas off of one another)!
The brewing began!
And lasted into wee hours of the nights. Spells, potions, paints, and much glitter.
Skulls, pumpkins, spiders, and witches by the light of the moon.
Oh, how I love these times with my dear friend.
Oh, how I love Fall!
Until next time...
Blessings to you all!