

Meet The Artist

Meet The Artist
Missy Trent
Email Missy at: MTreasures@hotmail.com

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Hello, dear ones!

It's been awhile, I know.

Too often, we allow ourselves to "get lost" in life's busy shuffle. The enjoyable things are put on hold. Yes, I hate it when this happens!

Last week I could have found the time to blog, but chose not to. It was a challenging work week and sucked every bit of creativity right out of me! My spirit...



I would drive myself home, taking in all of the beauty surrounding me. Wiping a tear or two from my face.

The leaves have changed to an Autumn palette. Words nor pictures can even begin to show you how breathtakingly gorgeous it is here in the hills. It's a real treat to take this daily drive.


I could not get this word out of my thoughts.

Our life here on earth is constantly filled with change and challenges. Some of us try to hold on to the routines that are comfortable to us because we have been at it for so long. I'm guilty of this. No matter how difficult and unpleasant the routine becomes...

We fear change more. We stay. Stuck.

My divorce, a few years back, changed me.

I no longer fear change as I did.

I truly do embrace it.

Sometimes it must come sooner than we wanted.

This week, I turned in my resignation at work.

After doing so, I panicked.

What will I do now?

I prayed about it.

Folks, after only one day of worrying...

I have experienced joy! A ton of weight was lifted from my heavy shoulders! My supervisor even said to me, "You seem happier already"! I replied to him, "I am. Ya know, I'm getting closer to fifty, and I must be happy at what I'm doing". I have two more weeks to go, but it will certainly go smoother now that I see the end date.

I can breathe again and my heart isn't pounding at a rapid pace!

My wonderful husband has supported me more than I ever anticipated. He actually told me that he was happy for me!


Hello, change!


It's also time to change our clocks!

I will see you back here, very soon!



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